Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day

Yes, I know when you read this it will be the day after, Valentine's Day, but I am up still, probably from the chocolate I have enjoyed this evening.  It was a chocolate kind of day here and we all enjoyed wonderful chocolate from Belgium, a local chocolatier - Capital Confections,  Bridge Mix from The Peanut Shop in Williamsburg, Lindt, and last but not least Ghirardelli.  

This morning something so special happened that I have to share it with you.  While I was in the garage working hard on sorting my fabric stash into bins to put onto the shelving DH and son#2 & #3 installed all day Saturday, a special delivery came to my front door step.  No one knew when it arrived.  It was all wrapped in cellophane and tons of pretty white scalloped tissue.  When I opened it I burst into tears of joy and deep appreciation of the precious treasure I held in my hands.  Melinda, one of the Knot-y Embroidery Ladies made this.  It is beautiful to see and hold.  

It is still bringing tears to my eyes.

I feel loved by my friends and family and I sure do love them.  Son#1 called me across the country at the end of his shift as he headed home to "the other two women in his life", my daughter-in-heart and Tinkerbell.  Got to talk to my 85 year old mother in the "old country". I am blessed beyond measure and far more then I deserve.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Yes, I am addicted!  
My name is Gran and I am addicted to blogging.

94%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?
Survey taken January 20th.

92%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?
Survey taken today.

Way back in January, Kelly Ann's Quilting Blog had a blogging survey on her blog and I, like a follower with an inquiring mind ... decided to see what the survey was all about.  94% Eeeeickes!  The reality scared me into an, "OMGosh, I am spending to much time blogging mind set."  Life was busy then and has been for the time in between and I thought that I would check out the survey again, yes, it had been bothering me ... 

So, while I am not blogging, I think about my blogette friends and felt like a "smuck" because I have not spent the time with you that I have enjoyed in the past.   Truth be told, yes, I am addicted to the time that I blog and the friends that I visit.  You mean a lot to me.  Yes, time can get away from me, I have a timer for that now, and I think that it is safe to travel in blogland again.  

Did you take the test?  How did you do?