Monday, July 12, 2010

Joined the Charming Girls' Quilt Club

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A couple of days ago I made a commitment to joining the online Charming Girls' Quilt Club.  Last year I watched as online blogette's shared how much fun they were having being in the club, and when Kelly who is the hostess/creator of the club mentioned in her blog the year was over and they were starting a new year I was intrigued.  She revised some of the guidelines and it looks so good this coming year.  The following is a quote from her blog post today: 
"On a side note, the July 15 deadline to join the "Charming Girls' Quilt Club" (or to sign-up for another year if you were a member last year) is Thursday.  I'll be clearing our member list and creating a new one - so be sure not to miss the deadline (i.e. post your comment) if you want to join us!
For info on how to join the club click HERE!
The deadline to post your July/August goals is also Thursday, July 15.  To comment with the link for your July/August Goals, click HERE!  
I'm so looking forward to another year of sewing and fun with all of you!
TTFN, Kelly"
There is still time if you are interested in joining.  A friend Micki, at Irish Muses, in Ireland just joined and has her goals already posted!  I have really enjoyed the Charm Pack Quilt Along with Kelly this past while and think that the club will fit into my life..... or help me be less productive/scattered. Oh, and have some fun :o)

Hope to hear from your soon!


Kelly@ Charming Chatter said...

I'm so excited that you're joining us for the fun this year! Can't wait to hear all about your goals!

Linda in Arkansas said...

Gran, I'm so happy you have joined us! I've read Irish Muses and met Micki (through e-mail) isn't she sweet? Charm Pack quilt along looks interesting I'll go check it out.