Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Announcing my new WEB SITE

Please bookmark my new url so you will know where to find me.

You are invited to view my blog.

A while back I decided that maybe I was "grown up" enough to have a Web page.
Or that my brain was able to take the next step and try making one up. It has been fun to say the least and to say the most, I sure have a lot to learn. Those of you who know me, know that I love to learn new things and figure out how everything works. I can tell that I have a hugh playground to play in and the only thing that will limit me is time.

Starting today I am using my new site. Please come on over to find where I am now.

knot_yembroiderylady@me.com is my new email address

To Celebrate Something NEW!

Tomorrow I am going to announce a Give-away to celebrate this new step into the Web.

I look forward to your visits and your comments.

The Knot-y Embroidery Lady

Please bookmark my new url so you will know where to find me.

You are invited to view my blog.
Your comments are welcome.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July

Happy Fourth of July

Wishing you and yours a day to enjoy the freedom we have in North America.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Doctor in Training

Our sweet daughter-in-heart sent this IPhoto to me.

DGrS's Daddy and Mommy both have woren scrubs for years and there must be little scrubs out there for the chicklets. DGrS turned three a couple months ago and his daddy is starting a four year dental surgery residency in Bethesda Maryland at the Naval hospital. Yesterday was his (DS) 1st official day there.

OH, I love my grandchildren. Gosh I miss them all the way across the country.

From time to time I will be sharing some grandparent humor a friend sent to me today. Perfect timing for the picture and the humor to arrive on the same day.

1. She was in the bathroom, putting on her makeup,
under the watchful eyes of her young granddaughter,
as she'd done many times before.

After she applied her lipstick and started to leave,
the little one said,
"But Gramma, you forgot to kiss the toilet paper good-bye!"
I will probably never put lipstick on again without thinking
about kissing the toilet paper good-bye...

Thank you for stopping by. If you have good grandparent jokes, please send me an email or comment so that we can share the laughter!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tea Towel from Pam

Well done Pam. Thank you for sending me a picture to post!
I saw Pam pick out her tea towel and thread and the combination was/is very sharp.
Yellow stripes on the towel and she choose black Prescencia, two strands done in the Outline Stitch.
Well Done!

Tea Towel Sample for Class and the Shop

The fruit bowl was relaxing to embroider.

  • Tea towel made by Dunroven House that is 100% cotton.
  • I prewashed and ironed the towel before I transferred the pattern.
  • Outline Stitch with two threads, which lays flat on the surface.
  • Embroidery done using the Gentle Art Thread - Weathered Barn.
  • It is hard to see the exact colour here, but the match is right on and compliments the dyes used in the stripes of the tea towel.

For any of my students who have their tea towels done, email them to me and I will post them on my blog. Sometimes we take on larger pieces and it is wonderful to complete something that is done in a shorter amount of time.

There now, I shared my joy and I can feel it doubling.

Thank you for stopping by, I have not posted this past week, because of all the homecoming celebrating we have been enjoying at our home. More posts to follow and lots of pictures to share, please come again.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Summer Hand Embroidery Class Starting Soon

Come and enjoy embroidery heaven with me.
If you are in or near the Sacramento area in July and August you might consider enrolling in my new encore class.


By popular demand, I have designed
an ENCORE Knot-y Embroidery Ladies,
three session class
for beginners and refresher level hand embroiderers.
It will be fun to pick up your embroidery this summer
and enjoy relaxing in embroidery heaven.

There are exciting things happening in the hand embroidery world, and it's not your grandmother's embroidery any more. (Not that she did not hand embroider beautifully....)

The Encore Knot-y Embroidery Ladies class is on the schedule at Bearpaws and Hollyhocks Quilt Shop, (916 - 971-9392). Sign up early - the class is filling. You can sign up by going to the shop or for your convenience by phone.
There are two session to choose from:

Monday Evenings - 6:00 - 8:00 pm
July 13, August 3, and August 24

Tuesday Mornings - 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
July 14, August 4 and August 25

The cost of each session is $30.00

Taking this class is the prerequisite for joining the Knot-y Embroidery Ladies in September.

We have fun and enjoy being together with like minded people.
I hope you will come and join me.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Something fun is happening in Minnesota - ya betcha!  When reading Sinta's blog  http://pinkpincushion.blogspot.com/ a short time ago she mentioned the Minnesota Quilt Designer Blog Hog.  I checked it out and sure enough it looks like fun.  It started yesterday, I think if we hurry we can participate, so check out Gudrun's blog starting with the 22nd of June.

I will pass on the url  http://gudrun.typepad.com/my_weblog/ 
and you can check it out if you wish.  There are free tutorials and other interesting stuff...  Of course I am going to win all the drawings :0)

Monday, June 22, 2009

My Redwork Carrier

Assorted materials in a before shot.  

Putting borders on my stitchery with  mitered corners.

With that part done, next I made the covers padded with quilt batting, and on the inside is flannel covered  bristol board.  Boy it was fun using the glue gun and I only got one burn.  :0)

Ta Dah  - done!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dust Settling On Father's Day Weekend

How blessed I am to be here and to celebrate Father's Day with my DH (well my, gentleman farmer.)  You know he has and still does drive me crazy.... yet, he is a very good father to our family.  He loved his father, yet, he was not in his life very much, and so the art of fathering is something he has learned by trial and error and with a lot of help from Heavenly Father, the greatest example there is.  DH and the boys grew up in the scouting program.  I guess you could say that we are a scouting family.  I did all the cub stuff and DH did all the scout stuff.  If there is a knot to be tied, a snow cave to be built, someone to haul a bunch of scouts to camp, drive across the country to New Mexico to Philmont and climb the "Tooth Of Time" my DH is your man.  All of our boys are eagle scouts and without the unfailing commitment to endless committee meetings, Christmas tree pick-up drives, hair raising late nights when "someone" had procrastinated on a merit badge requirement, training for and enduring the riggers of 50 mile bike rides, oh, and "hiking" in the Mt. Lassen area and one of the fellow scout leaders had to be air lifted out of the mountains and last but not least letting each of our boys be responsible for packing their own things for camp outs....

Our youngest son is twenty one and will be coming home this friday.  He has been away for two years and we are excited to have him home.  Even if it is only for a short six weeks before he heads back to university.  Loving, supportive and kind my DH has been to all of our sons as they each have left home.  Writing letters and sharing hard earned advise when needed.  

I guess you could say that we all have grown up together and together we are.  We would not have asked for any of the bumps in the road, but we sure are not going to give back any of the lessons we have learned.  I am thankful that we have survived, not killed each other along the way, and that my DH my GF (gentleman farmer) is the father of my precious boys.  Well Done GF.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Got Allergies? I Do......

I have been busy with finishing things for my classes next week, and a few assorted UFO's,  plus struggling with allergies.  Boy oh boy, they really hit me yesterday.  Other friends are struggling too, but it seems, most of us are being caught off guard so to speak.  My friend Carol was mentioning that she gets an allergy report sent to her email address every couple of days.  It sounded helpful and I subscribed to it after reading it.  Low and behold, Olive trees are causing havoc right now.  Wouldn't you know it, we have many Olive trees in our neighbourhood!  And one of the things I have been enjoying with our unseasonally cooler weather are the delta breezes.   Our windows are wide open welcoming the fresh cool air.   In fact I have been sharing how much I have enjoyed the sound of the breezes rustling the tree leaves while I embroider. Yeah, and the breezes are carrying all the pollen.  I hate to close up the house, maybe I should wear a mask.... not.  

Here is the information and address if you are interested in checking it out:

Be prepared for allergies today! This is your Allergy Alert letting you know that allergy
conditions in your area have reached a medium to high range.


Forecast for SACRAMENTO, CA (on a scale of 1-12):

Today's allergy levels:
Tuesday - 6.5/Medium

Today's predominant pollen:
Grass, Sagebrush/Sage and Olive.

Tomorrow's allergy levels:
Wednesday - 6.7/Medium

How will you feel over the next few days? Click below for your

FOUR-DAY Allergy Alert forecast to find out.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

What do I do now?

The Stanley Cup is over, the NBA championship is over, MI-5 is over for a week, US Open is that still on,  what excuse am I going to come up with to "watch" TV and embroider?
Actually come to think of it, this evening I have been enjoying the sound of the breezes in the trees, the birds, and the cats and doggy noises.  No radio, TV, no kidding.  The delta breezes are getting stronger as night falls here.  

Ahhhhhh, Foyle's War just started on Masterpiece Theater!  WELL, I have to grab my embroidery and watch the beginning of Foyle's War.

Adios Amigos

For the Love of Emma

Met Emma Long.

90 years young and a sweetheart.  

I met her at BP&HH, where she would sit and fold fat quarters and work on hand stitching.  It was always a great time with her around.  In fact she had quite a following and people sure missed her being at the shop.  I think some came just to visit with her.  She is now in a care home with five other ladies, has her own room and they (a care giving family, who have two elementary age children) take great care of her.  She can not come to the shop any more due to her health needs and not being able to walk very well anymore.

On Tuesday, I made up a couple of Tea Towel embroidery patterns for her and went to spend the afternoon with her. I hoped that my pattern choices were not too complicated for her and that she would find them pleasing and inviting to embroider.  We had things spread out on the end of her bed where she was sitting in her chair, when she picked up my embroidery right off and started to work on it.  I was delighted for her that she not only wanted to embroider but still had an enjoyment of stitching.  She still makes a fine stitch.  I am thrilled to have her stitches mixed in with mine.  

We kibitzed, laughed and embroidered together.   

  Ain't she sweet!

I will treasure her stitches in my redwork.


I picked up a pattern when Paulette and I were in Concord on Monday.  It is a little booklet called "All Creatures Great & Small" by Natalie Bird (The Birdhouse.)  It has 16 animal stitchings to amuse and delight, plus four patterns to make up with the designs.   The two designs I selected are pictured below.  I enjoyed making them.   The frog is already on a pillow, and up in BP&HH as a shop sample, and the monkeys is going on a drawstring bag, for a shop sample.  (My friend Pat volunteered to make the pillow and the drawstring bag.  Thank you Pat!!!)  I will take a picture of the finished projects next week.  You will love the fabric I choose for the items.  

I hope your weekend end has a nap on the schedule and some time for - embroidery - or what your heart desires.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Concord Day Trip and More - The Block Exchange

A little birdie whispered in my ear, "I have to go to Concord on Monday, would you like to go with me?"  Yes!

So began, the adventure to Concord today.  My friend Paulette, had an assignment from the River City Quilt Guild. The Opportunity Quilt had an appointment to be photographed at C&T Publishing in Concord at 10 am on Monday morning.  And Paulette was to accompany it to C&T.  And her sidekick had another engagement.  And Paulette asked me.  And it was an adventure that I will treasure.  And thank you "sidekick" for having a full calendar!! 

We did not hit any traffic jams and just zipped along enjoying the scenery, and a bright California sun shiny morning.  As we traveled we both shared our love of the San Joaquin Valley and the colours of the land and agricultural crops.  Then over the river and through the foothills we arrived in Concord, which is bathed in sea breezes and lush coast terrain.  

C&T Publishing - I bet you have quilting books published by them. 
What a striking quilt - it greets you right along with the smile 
of the nicest receptionist when you come through the front door.

We were a little early and she treated us like she had all the 
time in the world to answer questions and find books we were
interested in looking at.  In fact everyone that came by the front desk
was friendly, and happy to look up things in their library for us to see.

These front covers of the recently published and forthcoming
publications filled a wall in the office.  Yes, I had my nose
right in there and checked them all out.  I was struck by the colours and the photography.  

Here is why the photography is so well done!
Diane, on the left does layout and Christine, on the right does the photographing.  
They are a talented team.

They were prepared ahead, well organized and went right to work
like magic in front of our eyes.  They made things look so effortless.

Yes, the quilt is on the floor.  A grid on top of flannel surrounded
by cloth covered walls all set and staged by lights for the measurements
of the quilt.

Hard work that they made look easy.

They had removed a ceiling panel and a camera was
set up in the crawl space.  Isn't she cute looking through the rafters! 

TA - DA  They were done and showing us their work.

I am sorry I have their photograph in here twice (and don't know
how to get the duplicate out after I have uploaded the 
pictures to the blog, well, yes, I could delete the whole blog
and start all over again - not!)  

Diane and Christine are as nice in person as they are in the photograph!

Our stop while the photographers did what they have to do
to make a final print and a CD for Paulette to take back to
the RCQG.  

I love this embroidered wall hanging from Bunny Hill.  

This is a shot into the "embroidery" area.  I could have stayed in
there all day, curled up in the tent with a pattern book
and floated off to "embroidery heaven."

Sandy, on the right, and her friend, Linda, popped into TC, while we 
were there - see I am not the only one who goes into the shop on my
days off.  Sandy is a fine embroiderer!!  We met at TC on May 26th
and have chatted on the phone, sharing information.  She is from
New Zealand and I get a kick out of her accent.  It brings out my 
"clip" from the old country.  (Perhaps not entirely a good thing...:0) )
She was worried about how she looked when I asked if I could take
her picture and she explained they had be running on fumes after being
involved in various end of the year school events for the past three days.  
Oh, to be young again...

The Block Exchange

Blocks from The Block Exchange.
Paulette's is the white picket fence and her sidekick, Diana's is the shovel.  My photograph does not do the talent and workwomanship in the blocks justice.  I did not have the heart to ask Mary, who was hosting the event, if I could crawl up and take the shot from overhead :0)

Lovely inside and out - Paulette.

The Block Exchange.

Diana called Paulette while we were heading home from Concord.  The long and short of the call was we drove to where The Block Exchange was meeting since we were going to be driving right by the town on the freeway.  Can you tell from this photograph what special ladies they are?  The ladies in The Block Exchange radiant friendship and the love of quilting.  

A perfect end to a perfect day.  
A joy shared is a joy doubled.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Kim's Fireworks

The best of the best, "la creme de la creme" is what Kim is.  We all sewed like crazy, talked, laughed, and were treated to an all American lunch by our teacher Kim AND on top of all that, she made us a tote filled with goodies.


Guess Who?
Special signature up do and embellishments
denim embroidered jacket with red, white and blue figures
red, white and blue slippers
patriotic sunglasses
a mischievous twinkle in her eye
and the biggest smile 

My stuff with a few of my essentials....
And no I do not have one of  new bernina's 
- my old machine "ain't" broke so I can't fix it....
Then again, I could not afford to "fix it."

These are a few shots from around the shop before class.
It is always a busy Saturday.

Kim's Cherry Delight pattern and purse on display in the shop.

Carol - my guardian angel 
     and angel to all who come in contact with her.

Lindy Munday, owner of Bearpaws and Hollyhocks, BP&HH.
Her smile says it all.  
She makes quilting a joy by sharing so much.

Part of the "spread" put on by Kim's Catering.  Check out her quilt!
One of the students brought the bunt cake. 

Photo caption should read:  Some of the tools of her trade.
I looked over during the class and saw this collection in front of Kim.
She saw what I saw and we both started a photo shoot on it.  I always suspected
Kim saw things through "rose coloured" glasses and this is the proof I needed.

THE TOTE.  She made each and everyone of her
students a tote.  On her blog you can see a basket of them that 
she walked around and let each student pick the one they would
like.  I love mine!  Thank you Kim.

Inside after the bow is undone, we each discovered the
Fireworks pattern, a fireworks note sheet and pencil.

This afternoon I put the book that I am starting to read in the tote.
It went in easily and was so fancy to hold.  I will treasure it and us it.
It is the cats meow.

Thank you Kim.  Your excellent information before  class, and the pattern along with your tips were appreciated.  If anyone in class needed help you were right there understanding and leading us to a successful technique.  We got so much done in class and were taught the things we needed to know to complete the borders.  

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hunting for UFO's - I Found The Bed Today

I am still gathering and sorting.  "It's actually is not as bad as it looks," I kept telling my DH.  The hardest part of hunting for UFO's is starting.  And wadayaknow, I found the bed today!  I am surprised at how much energy organizing my projects has given me.  And what do you think I am doing this evening while watching The Game?  I am starting a new project.  There is a new technique in my embroidery that I want to experiment with, I just have too, I really, really want to.  So, I am :0)

I hope your day was a pleasant one.  Mine was after deciding to let some negative things go.  It is not worth it.  Sinta, shared one of her quotes today on her blog and I think it is worth passing on, 
"Negative people make me want to wash out my ears!" 

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hunting for UFO's

Say here is a give-away that you might be interested in - nice blog and stuff.  I have tried to cut and paste the picture, but alas I don't know what I am doing....



A hunting for UFO's I will go,
A hunting for UFO's I will go,
I'll find them, organize them, finish them
And off to friends and family they will go.

June is my finishing UFO month!

Can I do it?  I plan on giving it a good try.
Yesterday I worked and today is D-UFO-Day.

I have started a side bar gadget thingy with my list so far.  To be honest I do not know what I am going to unearth and how long the blankity, blank list is going to end up.   Should be interesting.  Our youngest son comes home on June 26th from a two year mission and he has got to be able to find his bed and have a place to put his things, don't cha know.  So, that is why, now that June has finally arrived and I have to put my foot to the metal, so to speak (pun intended.)

Cheerio from the definitely effected UFO :0)

Monday, June 1, 2009

I can't believe he is 30

"My baby my own..."

This is my number one son at his best...

He is a young hands on father, and has to catch his beauty sleep when he can.
Do you think that the arm position is genetically inclined or just a case of, monkey see, monkey do?

This daddy and daughter nap time was a joy to behold.  
Busy day....

This is a family tradition we hold dear and pass on from 
generation to generation
                                    - drinking water out of the hose.

Sometimes when Daddy can not come home, 
his chicklets go to see him.

"The hills (sunroom) are alive with the sound of (loud) music....."

When I think of the blessing he is in my life I think of the kind and loving father that he has become.  He and my daughter-in-heart are joy doubled.

Happy birthday son - your are so beautiful to me, even when you are sleeping. ;0)


Sunday, May 31, 2009

Three Grown Women Sitting Around Colouring

Three grown women sitting around my kitchen table colouring.  We came up with the idea on Tuesday during a trip to the Bay area to visit Colleen's sister, a trip that was in the works since October, when I met Rosa Mae.  

My attempt to make an old design not to "artsy fartsy."   My interpretation anyways.  I am not sure I succeeded and can hardly wait until I get my embroidery going on it.  Don't get me wrong I love "artsy" this piece in my mind needed to stay more plain and to period that it was created.

If you have not guessed these pictures are kind of backwards in time.  Beginner here,  I really do need to spend more time in the tutorials....

I taught my dear friend, Colleen, to embroider after she learned all about colouring mediums, fabrics, stabilizers - Oh, yes, the whole nine yards....  She wanted to learn and that is all I/we  needed to hear.  All my drawers were opened to her and some even dragged out.  It was like Christmas!  She is a very fast learner and has some projects lined up in her imagination, and she are going to make them happen as her time and energy allow.

Colleen is one of my angels.  We were bonded together for eternity when she helped me through my first round of breast cancer.  When my hands hung down she lifted them.  It is my hearts desire to do the same for her.  Last week she was mentioning that all of her time commitments were completed and she was wondering what she would do.  No, she is not a quilter...  We ended up talking about embroidery as a possibility, and she tucked that away in her mind.  After our trip to see her sister and her work, plus stopping off at a quilt shop on the way home, she said that all that night she dreamt of doing the stem stitch and colouring fabric.  She also said, that she does not usually remember her dreams.  Figured it must have been a "sign."  :0)  She was in on the embroidery/colouring - so we planned to get together on Saturday.  Marie was in too.  

I have a treat of a slide show of our "field trip" last Tuesday, to visit her sister in Concord.  Rosa Mae, quilter extraordinaire, whose talent is amazing. Stay tuned in the next week, for a treat you will not  want to miss.  (I have to figure out how to do a slide show...)

Marie and Colleen chatting and working away.

Something I admire about Marie is that she has a talent for not being afraid to try something new.  She is does circles around me in researching things and she is the queen of gathering supplies,  Well, actually, Kim might be first.

Stuff I dragged out.

More stuff.

Some of Marie's stuff.

To be honest, this is not half of the stuff, and the process we went through.  We all had piles of books,magazines, colouring supplies, and fabric.  Yes, we were in heaven. It took us about an hour to wade through it all before we actually began.  But then it always takes time to prepare and gather, well for mumwua. (sp?)

Sorry, I did not have before and during our process/procedures pictures.  It was like Christmas and I forgot to take pictures.  Kim, I am getting there, but slowly....
Would you believe that three grown women were sitting around my kitchen table, colouring, yesterday afternoon?  We were and it was so much fun!

We are going to do it again, and you are invited.