Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It's the Small Things

Yesterday on the way back home from the doctors office (yes, I am still fighting the East Coast Pre-School Crud) I stopped off at Tuesday Morning.  I found something pretty exciting - some of you are going to think I am crazy....  I found flat bottom everyday glass ware!  
This morning when I opened the dishwasher, look what I found when I pulled out the top rack!  See them there on the bottom edge.

There are some on the top edge of this picture.  No puddles to mop up, no spills onto the bottom rack when I pulled out the top rack (yes, I am still trying to train myself to do the bottom rack first...)

Ta Dah - flat bottom everyday glass ware!  It's the small things!

Another small thing is my Schnibbles - Tagalong. Completed almost at the stroke of midnight on April 30th.  I loved piecing it and sent it to Mary at Quilt Hollow to quilt for me.  She did a Great Job of quilting it.

I hope you have a great day.  As for me I plan on a great day, I think I will start out slow and gear down.


Orcsmom said...

I too love flat bottom glasses, and no I do not think you are crazy....well not completly! j/k!! I hated it when I empty the dishwasher and my feet would get wet from the glasses. You Schnibbles looks so pretty! I can't wait for Thursday, hope you feel better.



Sinta Renee said...

I love your Tagalong... the quilting on it is beautiful too! Bottom rack first??? What a great idea:) I love the glassware!

Jan said...

Hi Gran :) Tks so much for stopping by "Quilting in Davie" for a visit yesterday. I went and updated my profile, so my e-mail should show up there now ... but to make your life a bit easier, it's:


What a great find on those glasses! Those little puddles of water can be a real nuisance! Oh and I always empty the bottom of the dishwasher first cuz I'm afraid of bad luck if I do it the other way (LOL). Yes, I'm a superstitious nut!

The quilt is awesome!!! Congratulations on a beautiful finish and sure hope the crud leaves soon! God Bless :)

Nancy said...

I found some at Wal-mart not too long ago. and cheap, like $10 for a dozen...

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

I too do bottom rack first. Always have. Your Tagalong is great! I love it.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea about flat bottom glasses! You have enlightened me...because I too need to learn to empty bottom first and then grab a towel to finish unloading those darn glasses off the top rack! New..to my list of needful things...glasses!
Enjoyed quilting for you....anytime! (thanks for the plug)

Shelley said...

Hooray on TagAlong! Mary did another lovely quilting job!:)

Kelly Ann said...

it is the small things in life that make us truly happy...

paulette said...

Love the quilt and Mary did a lovely job...and she is so fast!!
Take care!

Kim said...

Maybe you can give my Hubby your dishwashing tips--I don't do dishes! LOL! Hey, I recognize a couple things in that dishwasher though! Isn't that your new teapot (minus the cover)? And I have a coffee cup that matches yours! LOL! I hope you're all feeling better over there--see you tomorrow!

Shelina said...

I didn't know there was such a thing as flat bottom glasses, but I will certainly keep an eye out for them. I'm pretty sure the instructions that came with the dishwasher say to do the top rack first. Sort of like emptying a bottom drawer of a file cabinet, it causes it to be out of balance.